Hello Everyone

As you may have seen our Indiegogo campaign for contributions to help launch thingCHARGER finally came to a close in the early hours of Monday morning.

Wow. What an amazing and exhausting 90 days!

Seymour, Nina, Hudson and Amy Segnit
First and foremost thank you for the amazing support you have given us over the past few months. It’s been both thrilling and humbling to have so many regular folks like you put such wind at our backs.

Without you, this truly would not have been possible and so we are beyond grateful.

Even as we get more amazing, expert folks involved to deliver on the trust you have placed in us, thingCHARGER is at it’s core a family with an idea…all working together to make it happen.

Seymour’s older daughter Nina who recently got her business degree from the University of Queensland (yup, Australia) has put other things on hold to join us, which is amazing. Nina is particularly focused on looking after you while we work on getting thingCHARGER into production.

We’re going to keep you in the loop throughout the whole process. We are just normal everyday people and want to show everyone how we go about fulfilling this campaign—from design specs, to manufacturing and any hiccups along the way, in hopes that it can encourage or show any of you that have similar ideas that anything is possible.

As we take a moment to breathe over the next few days, we will put together a more detailed update for you. Doing something like this is staggeringly complex, and we’ll do our best to explain it with as much clarity as possible.

Please expect this timeline and our report back to you on Sunday via Indiegogo Update. (We’ll also post it on our website at www.thingcharger.com, our permanent home now that our initial Indiegogo campaign is complete.

Thank you again from the bottom of our hearts.



Seymour, Amy and all of the thingCHARGER team.