Update your Unique Referral Number

If you know your special Indiegogo referral number you can update it now so the links here use it where applicable:

Update your Indiegogo number here:

  (Just the number please, not the whole link.)

Find your Unique Referral Number

This is quick & easy. Watch the video, or read below to find out how.

For Indiegogo to count up all the people you refer, you need a special link to give folks.

It looks like this: http://thch.us/$$$$$$$  << Your unique Indiegogo referral number on the end.

Log in/Create account at Indiegogo.com     |     Visit thingCHARGER at Indiegogo

To find your Indiegogo Number:

  1. Create an account or log in here at Indiegogo.com
  2. While logged in at Indiegogo visit the thingCHARGER campaign page
  3. Look right underneath the video. There ‘s a box ‘Share This Campaign’ - it has your Indiegogo number at the end of the weird-looking link:
    http://igg.me/at/thingCHARGER/x/$$$$$$$  << That’s your number on the end.

Take that number and add it onto http://thch.us/ like this:


If your number is already showing on this page then these pages are already set up for you. If not update your number here at the top of the page please.